What do you get when you combine old cars, Blues, low riders, a barber shop and beautiful handcrafted bicycles? You get the Dukes Car Club car show in Bernalillo, New Mexico. Last weekend we ventured north for this event. We weren’t disappointed. It wasn’t a large show but it was colorful. A long line of vintage low riders, that sparkled in the post rain sun, sat in front of a barber shop on the main drag. A tent housed the Albuquerque Blues Connection. A taco truck provided food. An artist displayed his intriguing drawings. And, a family displayed their hand crafted bicycles.
The Dukes Car Club originated in LA. They’ve been around a long time; this is their 50 year anniversary. Their history can be found here. The Bernalillo chapter put on this particular show.
A row of beauties.
We spoke with Julie Duran about her partner's car, a 1948 Chevy Stylemaster that was fully restored...and low.
This low rider doesn't move up and down with hydraulics. It moves up and down by an elaborate compressed air system.
Inside the Barber Shop we spoke with Mike Mirabal. He has been drawing since he was 16. His drawings were fascinating. They depicted a beautiful, and colorful, culture that is found in New Mexico. Cars, women, head bands, bling and shadows of death all came to life via his hand.
The Albuquerque Blues Connection played. Gritty harmonica playing that came straight from deep inside the belly of the bearded lead singer. We would like to see them again.
Last, but not least, a group of customized bikes that caught our eyes. All hand crafted and custom sized, we gazed at them in amazement. Bike riding has been elevated to another art form.
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