At the corner of Walter and Roma, near a park and adjacent to the remains of a once powerful arroyo, sits Manuel's Food Mart. At first blush, Manuel's looks like any other neighborhood food mart - until you look at their eastern paned window. Each window pane is packed with interesting things: wood work, a doll sized bench, books, cups, and lots of pink flowers. A gut reaction took us inside.
A window that begs your curiosity and takes you on a quick journey into yester year.
It was magic. From the moment we pushed our way through the glass and wood front door, we were mesmerized.
We were greeted by Clara Sanchez Martinez. Her smile could light up a thousand dark New Mexican desert nights.
She walked us around the store and told us about her father, Manuel Sanchez, the original purveyor. His photograph hangs boldly on the wall, along with authentic photographs, posters and drawings of local and national politicians. The building was built in 1924 by Manuel Sanchez and has been family run since its doors first opened.
Fascinating artwork for a corner grocery store.
Tin ceilings and shelves stocked with colorful food and merchandise.
Clara introduced us to her son, Rick Martinez, a master wood craftsman. He and his father have a wood working area in the store. Their works of art are proudly displayed for their customers.
Inside, looking out.
A counter like no other. Spearmint gum, the First Family, Hillary Clinton and Senator Martin Heinrich.
While talking with Clara and Rick, we had ear to ear smiles on our faces. Their hospitality was extraordinarily gracious; and so typically New Mexican.
Clara was gracious enough to also impart some local history of when the "acequia madre" still ran next door, and yearly the July and August monsoons would flood the area down past Second St. north to Menaul.
New Mexican authenticity runs through the veins of this store. It begins at the tin ceilings, runs down the adobe walls over the politically charged decopauge, past the retro appliances, and around to the wooden front door where it meets the heart of the store - Clara. It is local, family owned and operated, and has been a fixture in our city since 1924.
Manuel's Food Mart is a gem.
Rick - We are so very sorry for the name mix-up. We made the changes to reflect your Grandfather's name.
Posted by: All Things 505 | 03/12/2013 at 08:52 PM
thanks for the great story.
just wanted to let you know that my grandfathers name is Manuel Sanchez, not Manuel Martinez. My mothers madain name is Sanchez.
Thanks for the great complements... Rick Martinez
Posted by: Rick Martinez | 03/11/2013 at 08:11 PM